Special Education
CAACS offers a ICT/CTT Special Education model. Students with disabilities who receive Integrated Co-Teaching(Collaborative Team Teaching) services are educated with age appropriate peers in the general education classroom. ICT/CTT provides students the opportunity to be educated alongside their non-disabled peers with the full-time support of a special education teacher throughout the day to assist in adapting and modifying instruction.
As described in the NYC Continuum of Services for Students with Disabilities, Integrated Co-Teaching (CTT) “ensures that students master specific skills and concepts in the general education curriculum, as well as ensuring that their special education needs are being met, including meeting alternate curriculum goals.” The title of the services was changed from Collaborative Team Teaching to Integrated Co-Teaching when the service was incorporated in the New York State continuum of services. The state requires all schools to use the terminology “Integrated Co-Teaching” so that the level of services being provided to a student is clear and consistent.
- Physical Therapy
- Speech/Receptive Language
- Occupational Therapy
- Counseling